How To Enroll in Drive Easy

Introducing DriveEasy! and How to enroll in drive easy: DriveEasy is a new program that promotes safe driving by providing both GEICO and the customer valuable information about individual driving patterns. Most customers will earn a discount based on their safe driving habits, however riskier drivers may see a higher rate – depending on the state you live in.

GEICO DriveEasy uses an app that tracks your driving habits. The program is very simple to use. Just download the app, create your GEICO login, and forget it. The program will continue to run in the background and track various factors.

What States Offer the DriveEasy Program?

DriveEasy is currently available to eligible GEICO policyholders in the states of:

  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Louisiana
  • Kentucky
  • Maryland
  • North Carolina
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Virginia
  • Wisconsin

Stay tuned for additional states!

How to Enroll in Drive Easy

To Enroll in Drive Easy, You will download the app, complete your registration by logging into the app, and set up your phone’s permissions. You will just need to stay logged in and the app will log your trips. The app will stay in a dormant state until driving activity is detected.

How to Enroll in Drive Easy

Step 1: Sign Up for DriveEasy: Once you download and install the GEICO Mobile app and enable your settings, your driving is detected automatically. Make sure to invite everyone on your policy to join in on the fun.

step 2: Start Driving: Your driving will be automatically detected and logged in DriveEasy. Check back often for your individualized score based on distraction-free driving, braking, and other driving behaviors.

step 3: Personalized Insurance: The better you drive, the better your score. Remember, safe drivers save! Geico will factor your driving score into your rate.

Once you enroll in the program, you can access your DriveEasy dashboard, which will display important details about your driving, including:

  • Driving trips. Every driving trip gets logged from the moment you enroll in the program, so you can review details regarding your driving habits and where to make improvements.
    • Driving score. Your DriveEasy score is displayed in the app to watch for any changes.
    • Driving streaks. Over time, details about changes to your driving score encourage you to maintain a streak of safe driving.

In addition to the DriveEasy Dashboard, the mobile app offers Crash Assist, a crash detection feature that drivers can use to file a claim when involved in an accident. If the DriveEasy app detects a hard brake, it will automatically find your location and ask you if there has been an accident. If you confirm an accident has occurred, it will direct you to the claims process.

Once your trip ends, the app will upload the data to the cloud. The data is processed, and then your trip information and scores are sent back to be displayed on your smartphone.

Is GEICO DriveEasy worth it?

Just like with every telematics program, there are pros and cons when it comes to DriveEasy.

Pros for using DriveEasy include:

  • The program is free and easy to use
  • If you drive safely, you will save money on your auto insurance
  • You will pay more attention to your driving and improve any poor habits you might have picked up

One of the main advantages of telematics is that it provides immediate feedback, causing you to adjust your driving habits quickly, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

Cons of using DriveEasy are:

  • The GEICO DriveEasy app does use your data, so you need a good data plan
  • If you have poor driving habits, GEICO can actually raise your rates
  • There is no way to differentiate between you using your phone while driving and a passenger using it
  • DriveEasy isn’t available in every state and discounts will vary by state
  • Your data is tracked which can compromise your privacy

Although this is a helpful program for drivers with good habits and who don’t drive during peak times, DriveEasy can actually make your GEICO insurance increase.

If DriveEasy isn’t for you, there are many alternatives out there, including Progressive’s Snapshot and Allstate’s Drivewise. Research to find the best insurance companies to choose from for your particular needs.

DriveEasy will help you get affordable GEICO DriveEasy car insurance, but to make sure you get the best price, you can always compare quotes.


  1. Katherine Forney says:

    I like to re-enroll Geico Drive Easy.

  2. Hi Katherine Forney,
    Re-enrolling in DriveEasy is a good idea if you believe you’re a safe, responsible driver. It’s no secret that car insurance is expensive, but with the various savings opportunities offered by insurance companies, drivers can lower the overall cost of insurance. If you have any questions, you can always try calling GEICO’s customer service line at (800) 841-2964

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